Fair or not, your organization is responsible for the risk that is not financed (insured) by your contractors and suppliers. Comprehensive risk management can not only save a business in the food industry, but it can also help those in the food manufacturing industry increase profitability and long-term success. Because the food industry is so heavily dependent on its suppliers and contractors, FIRST,
VERIFY offers one place to make sure their “I’s” are dotted and “T’s” are crossed.
Significantly less expensive than our competitors, FIRST,
VERIFY customizable software eases administrative burden and helps protect you through:
Contractor & supplier prequalification web application
Certificate of insurance management services
Customized online safety orientation services
Remote safety audits & more
Our clients say
"With FIRST,
VERIFY, we were able to retire the spreadsheets and paper forms and transfer to a web-based application that streamlined our process and introduced a highly-efficient process for our contractors."
When it comes to industry risk, there are few industries with more risk than the food industry. Not only do you have to worry about the quality of the food that is being manufactured, but you also have to worry and monitor the quality of work that your contractors and subcontractors are contributing to your overall operation.
VERIFY, your food manufacturing business can protect itself from unnecessary risk exposure by tracking vendor and contractor information and utilizing our customizable risk management information system. To learn more about this innovative system, get in touch with a member of our team today.