
Navigate Risks

You know the old expression “Hindsight is 20/20?” It’s true. But in the pharmaceutical industry, it doesn’t apply. You can’t afford to not have foresight when it comes to safety. You are expected to be ahead of safety standards and efficiencies not only for your employees, but also for your contractors.

FIRST, VERIFY risk management information systems can help your pharmaceutical company navigate risks posed by improper contractor and subcontractor vetting. Otherwise, you may not be able to make the most informed decisions in regard to the risk posed by contracted work.

Here’s how FIRST, VERIFY can help:
  • Contractor & supplier prequalification web application
  • Certificate of insurance management services
  • Customized online safety orientation services
  • Remote safety audits & more

Do you have a system that handles the following for your contractors and subcontractors?

  • Insurance coverages and limits
  • Safety metrics (EMR, RIR, DART, etc.)
  • Citations & fatalities
  • Safety programs, training and policies
  • Key documents such as COI, OSHA 300A forms, NCCI Worksheets
  • Financial performance
  • Bonding limits
  • Licenses & certifications
  • Plus any other credentials required by your company
Audits have revealed that companies that try to manage all of this in-house have a compliance rate that is less than 50%—and that’s a stat that can cost you.

Our clients say

“The FIRST, VERIFY system supports our ultimate goal of creating a sustainably-safe work environment. Our employees and contractors value and benefit from this commitment, every day.”

Pharmaceutical Industry Solutions

The FIRST, VERIFY system supports our ultimate goal of creating a sustainably-safe work environment. Our employees and contractors value and benefit from this commitment, every day.

By using our vendor information systems and customizable online risk management system, you can minimize your exposure to industry-related risks — all while managing a more optimal chain of information. To learn more about FIRST, VERIFY and what it can do for your business, get in touch with a member of our team today.  
Contact us today!
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