While we may not be able to classify them as New Year’s resolutions, setting yearly safety goals is something that every company should be doing, especially considering how workplace rules have changed in the last year.
Setting safety goals is very important for the success of every organization’s safety program. But, much like our personal resolutions, it’s hard to know where to begin and what our goals should look like. Here are a list of three things that every goal you set should do:
Don’t just fabricate safety goals based on what you think your company should be doing or what everyone else is doing, base them on the issues and needs that are present in your organization. Study and analyze the safety concerns that you’ve had over the past year. What can you do to address these concerns? Maybe there’s a goal there. If you had three slip and fall injuries, a realistic safety goal could be to reduce slip and fall-related injuries in the new year.
If your goal addresses a safety need in your organization, it’s relevant and likely specific, but it also needs to be attainable, measurable, and timely. If your goal is to reduce all workplace injuries to zero, that’s not easily attainable–incidents will always have a chance of happening.
The scenario from the previous example, reducing slip and fall-related injuries from three to zero in the upcoming year, is a more realistic, specific and attainable goal than having no workplace injuries. This goal is also quantifiable and measurable. The goal is also time-bound and establishes a time frame for measurement–one year.
It cannot be said enough, that safety is everyone’s responsibility. The directors, managers, and safety officers shouldn’t be the only people involved in working toward safety goals. Employees should be made aware of and involved in setting organizational safety goals, and the steps that they can take individually and as a whole to help achieve them. If one of the company’s goals is to have zero slip and fall-related injuries in the next year, let employees know that. Make sure that you’re taking action to meet the goal, like training all employees who work around hazardous floors and spills in safe work practices.
Without any goals, your safety program will be directionless, and with good safety goals, measurably more effective. Good goals are designed to address company needs, be attainable, and involve everyone in the organization, from top to bottom. Contact us to find out how our Online Safety Orientations can help your organization reach its safety goals, remotely.
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